Collaborative Feature Film

Treepot Cliffhanger

Treepot Cliffhanger

The Treepot Cliffhanger was a collaborative feature film project produced by Treepot Media where five filmmakers, chosen by a jury, took turns making chapters of a story over the course of one year. The twist was that each chapter followed from the ending or cliffhanger of the previous chapter like a cinematic chain letter. The filmmakers were Chris Chitaroni, Kristian Lariviere, Keith Wiggins, Lucia Fiore and Derek Price.

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Treepot Media Presents
"Treepot Cliffhanger"
Starring Jennifer Vallance, John N.E. Hill, Julien Masterson, Vincent Valentino, Dan Desmarais, Ellen Manchee, Christina Roman, Jimm Moir, Matt Swalm, Mike Tarp, Jennifer Allanson, Andi Cooper, Jennifer Mulligan
Directed by Chris Chitaroni, Kristian Lariviere, Keith Wiggins, Luca Fiore, Derek Price
Executive Producer Jith Paul

Chapter 1: Features and Boom (director: Chris Chitaroni)
Chapter 2: Payback (director: Kristian Lariviere)
Chapter 3: Eye of the Storm (director: Keith Wiggins)
Chapter 4: CODE (director: Luca Fiore)
Chapter 5: Everything Goes Quiet (director: Derek Price)